17-03-02 The Last Time Ever I Saw

Our best friends are moving out of their gorgeous Riverside Drive apartment (to another beautiful apartment further uptown). They asked me to come by and shoot it for the memory files which I did 20 minutes ago. Those pics are for them but, they also have a spectacular view of the Hudson River. I’m heading out of town in 20 minutes so did not have a lot of time to work on anything but here is one pic from a 60 mph, 50 degree day.


“Well, here at last, dear friends, on the shores of the Sea comes the end of our fellowship in Middle-earth. Go in peace! I will not say: do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

17-02-27 Computer Simulation (Are We One?)

I have been reading a lot about this concept over the past six months. The most recent was just today in the New Yorker. Don’t worry, I am not going to write a 10 page essay explaining the theory. Here is the link to the New Yorker article speaking about it.

I have been walking around NYC a lot and came across an art work that brought the concept to mind. It certainly looks like a classic sci-fi image of our programmers…



15-05-10 Weekly Photo Challenge – Forces Of (Mother) Nature

This week’s challenge is Forces Of Nature. I thought I would start with a quiet example.


Other natural forces:











15-02-28 Weekly Photo Challenge – Reward


I went to Staten Island yesterday to drop off one of my images of the Saugerties Lighthouse which was selected for a juried exhibit at the National Lighthouse Museum in March. That was pretty rewarding.

More rewarding (even though I lost a glove in the process) was the ride on the Staten Island Ferry back to Manhattan and the view of The Hudson it afforded. I could see all the way up to the George Washington Bridge.


Below is the information about the exhibit…reward #2 (but not my image)


Other rewarding blogs:











1-3-14 Snow-de-o-…D’oh

We had our first “blizzard” of the season.

Blizzard is a term that has become as overused as hero.  The Weather Channel continues its obnoxious habit of naming snow storms, but I bet they don’t name the storms that only hit North Dakota or Buffalo or Maine.

There are definitely places that had a blizzard but 6.4 inches in Central Park does not make the cut. It snowed and it was very pretty.


Riverside Park

Riverside Park

Snow Selfie

Snow Selfie

The Cherry Walk looking south

The Cherry Walk looking south

A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do.


Self Portrait

Self Portrait

1-2-14 Young Blood

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way she woos me
I don’t want to leave her now
You know I believe and how

George Harrison

There was more to see yesterday than the first beautiful sunset of 2014.

Love was in the air. One couple asked me to take their picture kissing in front of the sunset. They kissed long enough for me to take 12 shots. After I handed them their camera and before I could ask if I could take their picture…

Young Blood0279

I stayed on the pier and a few minutes later…

Young Blood0300

About 20 minutes later all the excitement was over and the sun was down.

Young Blood0323

1-1-14 The Calendar Flips

“I said,
“Constantly in the darkness
Where’s that at?
If you want me I’ll be in the bar”

Joni Mitchell

2014. A new year. All is right with the world. Everything is coming up roses…

or not.

Hope that you all had a great new year’s eve and day whether partying with 600 of your closest friends, a small intimate gathering, or just a quiet evening avoiding all the celebrants.

We had an extraordinary twilight to kick off 2014.

Walk The Way The Wind Blows0311

Walk The Way The Wind Blows0317

12-17-13 A Harbinger?

It snowed in the city this morning.


I have been rushing about and unable to get to the river or do much shooting for myself at all but mis-scheduled today so that I had an appointment at 7 AM and then a clear schedule until 1 PM after which I am booked until close to midnight. Should have taken a nap, but instead I went through Riverside Park down to the river.  I figured I would see how the 800 handled the weather (wonderfully) and I put on my fixed 50 so I could take some “in-scene” portraits of folks out in the weather.


Okay, that may not have worked out…

Here we are just 4 days away from Winter Solstice; actually 99 hours and 36 minutes when I took this shot;  and what do I see? A harbinger of spring, perhaps?

Snow 3a1312170028